
Our mission is to provide services and technical solutions, which help hearing impaired people to function coequally in the modern society. 

Our services will help society to fulfil the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities concerning the accessibility of public venues for hearing impaired persons. We help property owners offer equivalent accessibility and hearing environments for all users.

Together with our international partners we will measure the operational quality of induction loops in public venues and when needed instruct how to repair the system. By publishing induction loop quality-maps of venues via our global Web-portal we will help hearing aid users identify venues with good hearing environments.


Qlu Ltd is the leading expert in assistive listening technologies and services for hearing impaired people. Qlu’s services and products are globally recognized and our induction loop quality measurement & mapping system is the de-facto standard in the industrialized countries.

Hearing loop quality maps of public venues can be browsed at Qlu’s global Web-portal, which provides independent and reliable information about the venue's hearing environment for the public. Hearing aid users around the world benefit from this service portal when they look for accessible services.