Hearing Link launched the Connect Hear NI campaign in Belfast

Published on 08.11.2017
Connect Hear NI is a new initiative by Hearing Link in Northern Ireland that will support people living with hearing loss in their own communities.
Read more: Hearing Link launched the Connect Hear NI campaign in Belfast
Qlu has been awarded the rights to use The Finnish Social Enterprise Mark

Published on 23.10.2017
The Finnish Social Enterprise Mark communicates that the company has been established to promote a social goal and most of its profits are channelled to advancing social good.
Read more: Qlu has been awarded the rights to use The Finnish Social Enterprise Mark
Induction loop sound quality in a church

Published on 12.11.2015
We recorded in Oulu Cathedral audio samples exactly from the same place with a high quality microphone and an induction loop listening device.
Devonshire Park Theatre is the first Qlu-mapped theatre in UK

Published on 14.10.2016
Devonshire Park Theatre became the first theatre in UK whose induction loop system is tested and quality-mapped according BS EN 60118:2015 induction loop standard by Qlu in September 2016.
Read more: Devonshire Park Theatre is the first Qlu-mapped theatre in UK
The Finnish Parliament has approved the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, but
Published on 06.03.2015
but final ratification will be postponed while the wording of Finnish legislation is rejigged. Finland is one of the last EU countries to ratify the pact. (YLE News 4.3.2015)